What it does
- Allows nginx through ufw firewall
- Changes ownership of www directory to deploy user
- Creates custom 403, 404, and 503 pages
- Configures nginx.conf to use custom error pages
How To Use
$ make nginx
Is also run automatically by make debian
Only runs on targets in the debian group, detailed here in the main setup.yml
- name: Setup debian machines hosts: [debian] roles: - { role: install, tags: debian } - { role: terminal, tags: debian } - { role: functions, tags: debian } - { role: nginx, tags: [debian, nginx] }
Example run
make nginx
$(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin/ansible-playbook setup.yml -i hosts --tags "nginx"
PLAY [Before everything] **************************************************************************************************************
PLAY [Setup debian machines] **********************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************************************************
ok: [rhyl.io37.ch]
TASK [nginx : Allow all access to nginx http/s] ***************************************************************************************
changed: [rhyl.io37.ch] => (item=Nginx HTTP)
changed: [rhyl.io37.ch] => (item=Nginx Full)
TASK [nginx : Ownership of www and nginx to deploy user] ******************************************************************************
changed: [rhyl.io37.ch] => (item=/var/www/html)
changed: [rhyl.io37.ch] => (item=/etc/nginx/conf.d)
TASK [nginx : Copy nginx html to act as 404 for unconfigured urls] ********************************************************************
changed: [rhyl.io37.ch]
TASK [nginx : copy 403, 404, and 503 error pages to /usr/share/nginx/html] ************************************************************
changed: [rhyl.io37.ch] => (item=nginx/403.html)
changed: [rhyl.io37.ch] => (item=nginx/404.html)
changed: [rhyl.io37.ch] => (item=nginx/503.html)
TASK [nginx : copy custom errors.conf to nginx snippets conf] *************************************************************************
changed: [rhyl.io37.ch]
A 404 page is shown for your URL.
To prepare and cerify a site to go here, we need to run make newsite
, and you can read more about that here