Mac Installs
- vercel
- netlify-cli
- railway
- jmespath
- passlib
- youtube-dl
- gh
- jq
- wget
- gcc
- openssl
- cmake
- git
- git-lfs
- moreutils
- findutils
- gnupg
- grep
- screen
- pigz
- tree
- ffmpeg
- shared-mime-info
- nginx
- graphviz
- node
- yarn
- zsh
- zsh-completions
- zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- direnv
- watch
- nmap
- htop
- tmux
- postgresql
- redis
- hpedrorodrigues/tools/dockutil
- vlc
- firefox
- alfred
- iterm2
- vagrant
- vagrant-manager
- virtualbox
- tunnelblick
- slack
- visual-studio-code
- brave-browser
- google-chrome
- chromim
Debian installs
- git
- gh
- jq
- nginx
- firefox-esr
- snapd
- figlet
- snap
- code
- node
- certbot
How To Use
$ make install
Is also run automatically by both make setup
and make debian
By default runs on all targets, example run below shows role executing on both mac target (kelso.localhost) and debian target (
Example run
make install
$(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin/ansible-playbook setup.yml -i hosts --tags "install"
PLAY [before everything] **************************************************************************************************************
TASK [debug] **************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"macfair_version.stdout": "\"0.21.9\""
PLAY [Setup MacBook and debian] *******************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************************************************
ok: [kelso.localhost]
TASK [install : install homebrew taps] ************************************************************************************************
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=homebrew/services)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=homebrew/cask)
TASK [install : install core packages] ************************************************************************************************
ok: [kelso.localhost]
TASK [install : Create directory for installed caskapps] ******************************************************************************
ok: [kelso.localhost]
TASK [install : install cask apps] ****************************************************************************************************
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=hpedrorodrigues/tools/dockutil)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=vlc)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=firefox)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=alfred)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=iterm2)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=vagrant)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=vagrant-manager)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=virtualbox)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=tunnelblick)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=slack)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=visual-studio-code)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=brave-browser)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=google-chrome)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=chromium)
TASK [install : Copy zshenv] **********************************************************************************************************
ok: [kelso.localhost]
TASK [install : source zshenv so we get /usr/local/bin for npm] ***********************************************************************
changed: [kelso.localhost]
TASK [install : Install vercel, netlify] **********************************************************************************************
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=vercel)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=netlify-cli)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=railway)
TASK [install : pip installs] *********************************************************************************************************
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=jmespath)
ok: [kelso.localhost] => (item=passlib)
TASK [install : link node] ************************************************************************************************************
changed: [kelso.localhost]
TASK [install : print role name] ******************************************************************************************************
ok: [kelso.localhost]
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************************************************
kelso.localhost : ok=51 changed=12 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=34 rescued=0 ignored=0
localhost : ok=5 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=1 rescued=0 ignored=0